Welcome to our Humans of Zinier series and meet the people building the new era of field service automation. Today, we’re meeting with Anupama Das, Sr. QA Technical Lead who resides in Bangalore.

 Are there any unique skills or talents you possess that have been valuable in your role at Zinier?

Some people will tell you that I’m open-minded person. Cultivating open-mindedness to me means having the willingness to learn and accomplish goals by pushing beyond my comfort zone.

How would you describe the Zinier culture and the team dynamics that contribute to a positive and productive work environment?

Zinier nurtures a connected culture where employees feel accepted, valued and have a sense of belonging. My experience is that we are a curious organization willing to explore new processes, new ways of thinking, and new approaches to solving problems. Using agile, we become adaptable with a constant willingness to course-correct and rethink strategies, processes, and approaches. I grateful to be part of an engaging work environment where all employees are highly invested and inspired to do their best work for the company.

What was a recent work project you enjoyed working on?

A recent work project that I found enjoyable was identifying performance glitches within the Zinier app. It was a rewarding experience to dive into the intricacies of the app and uncover areas where improvements could be made to enhance its performance.

What is your typical day like for you?

In the morning, before heading to the office, my routine is usually quite lively, sometimes involving workouts and other times skipping them. As work begins at the office, I start by jotting down the tasks that need to be accomplished for the day and prioritizing them based on their urgency and importance. 

I take on the role of overseeing my teams' progress and providing assistance when needed. Every time I encounter new work challenges, I still feel a surge of excitement. It keeps me motivated and ready to tackle them head-on.

Where is one place you’d like to visit?

Mount Everest

What is a favorite quote or motto?

"I have many miles to cover before I rest." 

This phrase serves as a reminder that there is much more to do, achieve, or accomplish before I consider stopping or giving up. It motivates me to keep pushing forward in life, to work harder, and strive for even greater achievements. It encourages continuous growth and a relentless pursuit of success.

What’s a fun fact about you?

One of the craziest things I've been doing recently is indulging in an endless selfie spree, only to realize later that my phone had better cameras on the other side as well. It's a humorous reminder to always explore all the features and possibilities available to capture the perfect shot!

Anupama’s Quick 3:

Top 3 most used mobile apps: 

  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Whatsapp

Something that you wish was automated: 

I can easily imagine a futuristic robot-server that skilfully prepares and delivers delectable meals right to my table!

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