Role at Zinier - Director of Engineering at Zinier

My primary focus is ensuring that our customers get the best possible solution by harnessing the capabilities of the Zinier platform. Collaborating with the platform engineering team to enhance these capabilities is also a significant part of my role. But the real heart of my job is the people I work with. One of the most crucial aspects of my role is nurturing and challenging our talented individuals to bring out the best in them, making a positive impact across the board.

What is your typical day like for you (personal + professional)?

My day begins bright and early at 4:30 AM when I take my dog for a walk. After that, my wife and I enjoy a nice chat over a cup of tea, followed by a workout. I head to the office around 7 AM and usually arrive by 8 AM. The first hour is dedicated to organizing tasks and addressing immediate matters, which sets the tone for productive conversations throughout the day. I engage with various groups, ensuring our focus remains on the right priorities. I usually leave the office around 2 PM to avoid traffic and continue my work from home. Spending some quality time with my daughters, chatting about their day and listening to their complaints, is a must🙂. Late evening calls fill up the calendar, but if not, I end the day with a calming evening stroll alongside my wife.

Where is one place in the world you’d like to visit?

The International Space Station! I'm curious to see how Earth looks from up there.

What’s a fun fact about you?

Well, I'm a daydreamer, and I enjoy letting my imagination run wild. Sometimes, my thoughts can get pretty weird, but it's all in good fun!

‍What is your favorite quote or motto? Why?

I don't have an exact quote, but the essence of something I've read sticks with me: "On your deathbed, you will meet the person who you could be. Would you have the courage to look in their eyes and not be disappointed?". These words have stuck with me for a while and serve as a constant reminder to act on my thoughts. We tend to delay things, but this "quote" propels me to take action promptly.

What is the most exciting aspect of your role at Zinier?

I'm passionate about discussing and solving technical problems. Being at the forefront of building strategic solutions provides ample opportunities, and the support system at Zinier is outstanding. The real fulfillment comes from delivering substantial positive impacts to our customers.

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance while being part of the dynamic Zinier team?

I make a conscious effort to start and end my day on a peaceful note. Additionally, I encourage a culture of ownership, ensuring that the entire team actively participates and feels connected to our goals.

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work that bring you joy and inspiration?

I'm an avid hiker, especially in the mountains. The grandeur of nature humbles me and reminds me of my existence. I've also rekindled my love for music, which allows me to spend quality time with my daughters.

Are there any unique skills or talents you possess that have been valuable in your role at Zinier?

I believe that my extensive engineering experience contributes significantly to our platform's improvement and our ability to meet customer needs, ultimately delivering an exceptional user experience. In the short time I've been at Zinier, working with various individuals, I see immense potential for positive impacts both within the company and beyond. 

Upesh’s Quick 3

Top 3 most used mobile apps?

  1. WhatsApp
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Slack

3 things that you wish were automated?

  1. Daily Commute
  2. Shaving
  3. Showering

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